ADR MF is a fusion of different synergies of lawyers and business consultants, doctors and engineers, and other professionals, linked by the common goal to provide their technical and legal experience to resolve rapidly long-standing, expensive and exhausting conflicts and legal disputes (or to prevent their beginning), regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, color, political conviction.
ADR MF resolves to solve, offering expert, selected, sensitive, educated mediators, who are registered and recognized by the Italian Ministry of Justice.
This association does not replace the judiciary but joins as a body of alternative dispute resolution, trying to contribute substantially to the deflating of litigation.
Attempting to get/educate a top class of mediators to fulfill the own needs in the medium/long term, ADR MF has created an internal line for professional education providing the ADR MF workforce (and external joiners) with the necessary knowledge within the mediation domain and the Legal English skills. Pushed by a considerable local recognition, ADR MF has recently expanded the course offering, addressing the needs of other professional categories other than legal specialists.


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Email: info@adrmediazionefacile.com
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Partita IVA / Fiscal Code: 03125450837